Thursday, February 6, 2014


I could never be a contestant on American Idol. I get anxious just watching them compete.


Hayden got a green today.  Thank God!


I need green and Locos.


I cooked.. Bout to clean.. Thus my day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Phase Two

Just kill me already. D= Phase two lineup is ridiculous wahhhhhh I'm depressed.


Italian seasoned pork chops and angel hair pasta with herbs for dinner omnomnom


Seven inches of snow today,  guess who got called into work? Get the fuck out of here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Something about dim lights relaxes me.


I really need to get on my etsy grind. I think once I get some pony beads and perlers ill start adding some kandi. I also need to make sone adult tutus and rave bras.

Day in the life.

Reason for the blog

So I've decided to go on a hiatus from social networks until I do some self improvement and building. I feel its unnecessary for me to vent on public social networks to people who could care less. So instead I make a semi private blog. For those who want updates on my life can read.


As for today, I'm pretty bummed I won't be hitting any festivals this year due to CJs schedule. I hope in the long run its worth it and we get to Cali when our lease is up. I would loathe staying here another year. Absolutely be miserable.

Sitting here watching Dora the Explorer with the boys. Never realized just hoe hard and frustrating it is to be a parent. Oh, the bullshit I've been dealing with lately with Haydens school and his behavioral problems. Hendrix is turning 1 in a couple weeks D=

I love my boys to death but damn is being a mom hard. I'm just glad I never gave up like more than half the people I know who dont have their kids. Even if you aren't perfect the feeling of having your kids is such an overpowering feeling of success.

I'm not sure if I should set this blog to private and only allow certain people to read it, because I would really like to include personal things about my life.

In other news.. I need to clean this house a bit. And continue on my new job search. Although I love my job, the hours just aren't cutting it.

Life of a Struggle.

So I posted a long ass post and it didn't upload...Awesome. I'll redo it tonight.